You can also find fun with numbers

You can also find fun with numbers
Take same three digit number  like 444,555,333,777
Add all the digits
Divide the number by the sum of the digit so obtained
You will always get 37

Example : Take 444
add all digits : 4+4+4 =12
Divide  444 by 12  you will get 37

Example : Take 666
add all digits : 6+6+6 =18
Divide  666 by 18  you will get 37

Example : Take 222
add all digits : 2+2+2 =6
Divide  222 by 6  you will get 37

Is it not amazing!

Find the Value of Dice

Find the Value of Dice
Get a friend to throw a dice three times and you will be able to tell them which numbers came up and in which order.

This is what they have to do -

·         Throw dice

·         Multiply number by 2

·         Add 5

·         Multiply by 5 (Remember this total)

·         Throw dice second time

·         Add this second number to the previous total.

·         Multiply by 10 (Remember total)

·         Throw the dice for the third time and add the number to the last total.

Ask for the final total. Subtract 250 and you will be left with three figures. These figures represent the numbers thrown and the in which they appeared.


First throw = 4

4 x 2 = 8

8 + 5 = 13

13 x 5 = 65

Second throw = 2

65 + 2 = 67

67 x 10 = 670

Third throw = 6

670 + 6 = 676

676 - 250 = 426 = 4 2 6

Number trick with 1089

Number trick with 1089

The number trick with 1089 has been around for centuries. To impress someone with this trick, he or she will need paper and pencils:

Here is how it goes:
Step =1:
Have the person write down any three digits number with decreasing digits (432 or 875).
Step =2:
Reverse the number you wrote in step 1.
Step =3:
Subtract the number obtained in step 2 from the number you wrote in step 1
Step =4:
Reverse the number obtained in step 3
Step =5:
Add the numbers found in step 3 and step 4

Example =1:

Step =1:
Have the person write down any three digits number with decreasing digits: 752
Step =2:
Reverse the number you wrote in step 1: 257
Step =3:
Subtract the number obtained in step 2 from the number you wrote in step 1: 752 - 257 = 495
Step =4:
Reverse the number obtained in step 3: 594
Step =5:
Add the numbers found in step 3 and step 4: 495 + 594 = 1089

Example =2:

Step =1:
Have the person write down any three digits number with decreasing digits: 983
Step =2:
Reverse the number you wrote in step 1: 389
Step =3:
Subtract the number obtained in step 2 from the number you wrote in step 1: 983 - 389 = 594
Step =4:
Reverse the number obtained in step 3: 495
Step =5:
Add the numbers found in step 3 and step 4: 594 + 495 = 1089

Example =3:

Step =1:
Have the person write down any three digits number with decreasing digits: 210
Step =2:
Reverse the number you wrote in step 1: 012
Step =3:
Subtract the number obtained in step 2 from the number you wrote in step 1: 210 - 012 = 198
Step =4:
Reverse the number obtained in step 3: 891
Step =5:
Add the numbers found in step 3 and step 4: 198 + 891 = 1089

This number trick with 1089 works with any 3 digits number as long as you choose a number with decreasing digits in step 1

So, it does not matter what number the person choose in step 1, have the person do the math and pretend you are not looking. When you call the answer as 1089, the person will be shocked! Cool!


               Take  any 2 Digit Number Ex: 47
Step1:   Look for the nearest 10 boundary. it is 3 away from 47 to 50
Step2:   Since we went up 3 to 50, now go down 3 from 47 to 44.
Step3:   Now mentally multiply 44 x 50 = 2200  to get 1st 
Step4:   47 is 3 away from the 10 boundary 50, Square 3 is 9 - to get 2nd answer.
Step5:   Add the first and second answer, 2200 + 9


 Answer: 2209

Short cut method for Squaring Numbers between 40 and 60

Squaring Numbers between 40 and 60
Here's a quick way to square numbers between 40 and 60. You know the squares of 40, 50, and 60, right?
So let's show what to do for N=51 through 59.
N= ( 50+R) , where  R is between 1 and 9.
To get 
N2 =
We can have first two digits (25+R) and last two digits R2. Thus:
522= first two digits are (25+2) and last two digits 2x2=04,
522= 2704
582= first two digits are (25+8) and last two digits 8x8=64,
582= 3364,
For N=41 through 49.
The rule for N=41 through 49 is similar. Write N as (40+R) for R between 1 and 9. Then N2 will have first two digits (15+R) and last two digits (10-R)2. So:
422= First two digits are (15+2) and last two digits (10-2)2  =64,
482= First two digits are (15+8) and last two digits (10-8)2  =04,
482= 2304.

Mathematical Fun

Addition of number for kids

Math Matching Addition - Game Levels

Multiplication game for Kids

necessarily in order from easiest to hardest.

to get the multiplication of  12 x 5  . take 12  from top and 5 form left  complete the square or rectangle to get answer as  60  ( in Yellow box)

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